The Best Two Years

The Best Two Years

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bautismo Nika

Hello Family!

First things first.  Bautismo nika means "We had a baptism!!!" in Kuna.
This last Saturday, we got back from the zone conference in Nargana,
and Hermano U's daughter-in-law still needed her baptism
interview.  So, we called the elders and we did it over skype! That is
the new thing we have to do for interviews now, so we don't waste so
much time and money travelling to do interviews.  Well, she passed with
flying colors!  She really prepared herself for baptism, we were just
guiding her in what to do to get prepared.  She loves the Book of
Mormon and singing hymns.  She is sixteen and is already married, which
is pretty common for Kunas.  Her husband is Hermano U's son, and
we are still working on him so they can go to the temple someday.
We had the baptism after church yesterday.  It was just us, our
branch president, and Mrs. U.  It made me sad because her husband was
going to come, but didn't want to wait for our branch president, so he
left to go play soccer instead.  But, it was an AWESOME service!  Our
branch president baptized her, and the spirit was really strong.  I
have been so blessed to see so many people enter the waters of baptism
here in San Blas.

We had a pretty good zone conference!  On Tuesday, everyone showed up
to Nargana in the morning, and we had a member cook for all fourteen
missionaries.  Afterwards, we did the conference.  We started off doing
sister and elder training meetings separate, and it gave us a good
chance to really see what the missionaries have a tough time with.
Then, we were able to hear from the District Leaders about how to find
happiness in the work, and how to properly use Preach My Gospel. This
zone we are in is one of the tightest knit zones I have been in, and
all the missionaries are really well prepared to be here. I feel very
humbled to be their leader.

We were able to hear from Elder Duncan on Wednesday.  What a neat
experience it is to hear from a General Authority!  The biggest thing I
got out of the meeting was that as missionaries, to reach our full
potential, we really need to have a better testimony of the Atonement.  It
is what allows us to develop love and charity, the motives for
missionary work.  He opened our minds to the type of numbers we could
be achieving.  I know numbers aren't important, but behind every number
is a name of one of God's children.  Elder Duncan showed us the video
"Because of Him" about Christ.  Even though we couldn't really see the
video very well over skype, I had seen it before, and during the
video, I really strongly felt the love that Christ has for me, and for
each one of us.  He truly suffered for us so that we do not have to
suffer.  He knows how we feel in every moment of sorrow and trial, and
he knows exactly how to help us overcome them.  He sends us His spirit
to lead and guide us, and to let us know that he has forgiven us and
to cleanse us when we repent.  I feel like I have gotten to know Him
much more personally on my mission, something promised in my
patriarchal blessing.  He is not just a distant person I want to be
there anymore, He has become so real in my life, and He can become
real in all our lives if we open up our hearts and let Him in.

We went to the monte today and my shoulders are suuuuper sore from
carrying some HUUGE logs up and down the hills for a guy who is
building a new house. But, despite how tired I am, I felt great to
give service!

This wouldn't be a missionary letter if I didn't leave you all with
an invitation.  I invite you all to watch the video "Because of Him"
and really meditate Christ's atonement.  Meditate upon the fact that he
suffered for EACH ONE of your sins and struggles personally, because
he loves you. It is what can give us infinite happiness in our lives.  I love you all!


Elder Austin Michael Kipp

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